Maison des Huiles d'Olive et Olives de France - le bâtiment
Atelier culinaire à la Maison des Huiles d'Olive et Olive de France
L'exposition permanente Olive & Sens
La boutique
Visite guidée
Visite guidée sur la terrasse
La dégustation, pour bien finir la visite
La boutique
La boutique
Un accompagnement vocal est prévu pour encore mieux profiter de l'exposition
wines and gastronomy activities

The House of French olives and olive oils


Find out all about the olive tree and its products on an immersive experience that will call upon all five senses. Come and learn, touch, smell, and taste the olive oils of France! Cookery workshop, tasting workshop, exhibitions, activities, shop ...

PriceFrom 01/01 to 31/12/2023 Adult: 4 € Child : 2 €. From 02/01 to 22/12/2024 Adult: from 4 € Child : from 2 € Student: from 3 € Job seeker: from 3 € Large family: from 10 €. Free entry for children < 6 years. Child entry valid for 6 - 16 years.
opening dateUntil 27/07/2024
HoursFrom 03/01 to 22/12/2024. Closed Monday and Sunday. Closed exceptionally on May 1st, November 1st and November 11th.

Olive & Sens - The House of French olives and olive oils - invites visitors to embark upon an immersive experience that calls upon all 5 senses to explore the fascinating world of the olive tree and its products. This unique exhibition is a discovery of olive oils and olives in a fun way that is suitable for everyone, with various workshops: an odorama, a wall of oils, a scale model, bells, a touchscreen table, an oil tasting area and an audio tour.

Olive & Sens - The House of French olives and olive oils - has a large kitchen where culinary workshops are organised by professional chefs!
Learn to cook with different olive oils, find out even more about olive-based products with so many secrets to uncover, and try out some original recipes!
Introductions to tasting are also organised in this area.

Would you like to find out more about tasting olive oils? Would you like to discover some rather surprising tastes, get some tips for using these products, and find out about some delicious combinations?

Discover our tasting training programme. From introductions to more advanced courses, there is something for everyone.
For those who do not have a lot of time but who are curious to find out more, we offer workshops with a duration of between 45 min and 1.5 hours to introduce you to the wonderful world of olive oils.

And should you want to continue the experience, that's what the shop is for!
Buy top-quality French olive-based products (all PDOs are available for sale) as well as items related to the world of the olive tree.
You're in for a treat!

Plan your itinerary

The House of French olives and olive oils
40, Place de la Libération, 26110 Nyons
My itinerary
Nearby stationCarpentras
nearby airportAvignon-Caumont