Casino des vins Terre de Mistral
Visite du domaine Terre de Mistral
Wineries and wine cellars

Wine casino - Blind tasting and wine quiz


A fun activity for families or groups of friends, combining wine and olive oil, 2 of the star products of the Domaine Terre de Mistral. Who will win the most tokens in this casino with some rather unusual rules?

PriceAdult: 26.40 €.
opening dateAll year round, daily.

After a guided tour of the estate (wine cellar and mill), the team from Terre de Mistral invites you to join them in the wine casino where you'll discover the games tables, and then the team will hand out the tokens and rules.
With friends or family (participants must be over the age of 18), participants can then start playing on 2/3 games tables. Win your opponents' tokens by beating them at the mini games, guessing the scents, the vine & olive tree quiz and blind tastings.
There is also a wine bar and wines are served with tapenade and croutons. Simple, original games that call upon the senses and test your memory. Learn about the products in a fun and enjoyable way. The winner is the one with the most points at the end of the experience, and they will leave with a bottle of the estate's wine!

All year round, bookings are compulsory.

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Wine casino - Blind tasting and wine quiz
Chemin du Pavillon, 13790 Rousset
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