excursion dans le vignoble
Balade Atelier Vigne et Vin
Balade Atelier Vigne et Vin
Balade Atelier Vigne et Vin2
Les Terroirs d'Exceptions avec L'Atelier de la Vigne et du Vin
Balade Atelier VigneetVin
wines and gastronomy activities

Winegrowing estate - L'Atelier de la Vigne et du Vin


Unveiling the secrets of the winegrower’s profession

Winegrowing estate - L'Atelier de la Vigne et du Vin

Whether you're a novice or an enlightened wine enthusiast, would you like to discover the secrets of Burgundy wine or explore the small vineyard roads through mythical landscapes? Embark on an adventure with Sylvain Fauvé, your guide from the Atelier de la Vigne et du Vin. In a spirit of conviviality and exchange, choose the oenological experience that suits you best: - Out in the open: a half-day excursion to the vineyards of the Côte and Hautes-Côtes de Beaune or Nuits, where you'll learn about the landscape, the work in the vineyard and the terroirs. You can also visit a cellar and learn about wine tasting. The itinerary will be personalised, adapted to the location of your stay, with your own vehicle or in the form of a walking tour, and can be fully privatised for the comfort, quality and safety of everyone involved. - Indoors: with an exclusive 2-hour tasting session at your accommodation, during the day or in the evening, on a theme that appeals to you, such as an introduction to wine tasting, an explanation of wine-making and ageing methods, an introduction to Burgundy's vineyards, an approach to geology and the concept of terroir, with discussions, games and activities accessible to all, under optimum health and safety conditions. - Privatised activities, by reservation only, for individuals, companies and associations. Children welcome - Pets welcome Gift vouchers available for friends and family

Winegrower’s walking tour and tasting

Take a stroll around the vineyard and learn about the work done on the grapevines throughout the seasons, then take a tour of the estate’s wine cellars. The tour ends with a free tasting of 5 wines, with commentary from the winegrower. The Atelier organises a 1.5-hour tour and a 3-hour tour, both led by the cellar master Sylvain Fauvé, who will unveil all the secrets of his vineyard. Find out everything there is to know about the winegrower profession as you explore the area!

Plan your itinerary

Winegrowing estate - L'Atelier de la Vigne et du Vin
21200 BEAUNE
My itinerary
Nearby stationBeaune
nearby airportDijon-Longvic