Educational farm
- Find out about the Rove goat: its origin, appearance and life cycle (reproduction, growth, etc.)
- Behaviour and lifestyle (character, living in a herd, diet, etc.)
- Milking goats and the transformation of milk into cheese
- History of the Rove goat and 'brousse du Rove' cheese. The role of dogs in herding. The goat farming profession in Provence.
All year round: marked trails for a self-guided tour of the farm and farm animals (goats, donkeys, horses, chickens, ducks, geese, etc.).
Bookings are compulsory for group guided tours. From February: feeding the newborns from a bottle at 5pm.
Visitors welcome: holiday camps, high schools, disabled people, the elderly.
Visit of the Pastoral of Regagnas and cheese making
- Welcome and description of the place
- Visitors can attend and participate in the milking
- Tasting of the milk and explanation of the difference between raw milk, whole milk, pasteurized, etc...
- Detailed explanation (with the goats) of the way I raise my goats (pastoralism, care, kidding, care of the kids, respect of the animal welfare, etc...)
- Description of the goat: why this breed, what is special about it, what is its place among its species, etc...
- Cheese making (depending on the number of people, it is possible to participate in the cheese making process in the cheese factory)
- Making of a faisselle by the participants and tasting of it
- Tasting of the different cheese maturing processes

Chèvres de la Pastorale du Regagnas
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La Pastorale du Regagnas
Hameau de Kirbon 5553 Route de Saint Zacharie, 13530 Trets
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